Last week, we brought up scheduling strategies for a successful Instagram.  Today, we finish off this four part series with analytics for engagement and the best hashtag practices!  Maximizing Instagram Engagement for Yoga Studios with Instagram Analytics Engagement & Hashtags. (P.S. if you missed any of these Instagram toolbox posts, click to check out part 1, part 2, & part […]
Instagram design feed tips are always helpful! Last week, we gave you some initial tips on designing your Instagram feed.  Today, we will delve into a little more detail on scheduling, Instagram stories, and working with videos! Schedule of Postings: Design tips Once you have your themes, consider alternating the content.  Each day, choose a theme and rotate through regularly.  […]
Here is an easy Yoga Studio Instagram Optimization Guide. We started this series with a snippet on how to grow your Instagram audience.  Today, we will expand on designing a cohesive look and feel for you Instagram feed, to maximize the platform’s success. How to Design Your Yoga Studio Feed There are two aspects to consider when planning to develop […]
Instagram… 1 billion users 400 million story views a day 500 million daily users 80% outside of the United States 72% buy because of what they see posted People only see 30% of your feed When diving into Instagram for your small business, think about an Instagram audience growth strategy. You need to think about your approach and why you […]