Instagram… 1 billion users 400 million story views a day 500 million daily users 80% outside of the United States 72% buy because of what they see posted People only see 30% of your feed When diving into Instagram for your small business, think about an Instagram audience growth strategy. You need to think about your approach and why you […]
After a month in Bali, transitioning back to my life was a challenge. I found it to be a challenge to re-engage my worklife while maintaining the grounding and balance I found in Bali. In the end, it is not expecting to feel less type A all the time but instead to accpet that there are ebbs and flows in worklife. I can work hard for a short period of time and balance it with an easier phase too.
Thus, the YPO model was launched for small business Yoga Studio Owners. The goal is to provide Yoga Studio Owners a group that comes together and supports, brainstorms, networks and use the group as a board of advisors. The group dictates the topics. Sometimes we share successes and failures or might have a presentation on Video creation by an expert.