200 Hr. Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum Course Overview

Studio Owners understand that yoga teacher training programs not only cultivate a steady stream of instructors that reflect your studio’s style and vision but it also enriches the yoga community. Additionally, our 200 hr yoga teacher training curriculum offers immediate access to this transformative journey by saving you 100s of hours of work. 

Our yoga teacher training curriculum spans 16 weeks and is designed to be engaging and interactive, fostering group collaboration and dynamic learning experiences. Furthermore, we meticulously crafted the program to cater to diverse learning styles, ensuring optimal retention.

Throughout the training, learners are exposed to a variety of presentation formats, keeping them actively engaged during lengthy sessions. For instance, classes may commence with an asana practice followed by a meditation, leading into a lecture on the History of Yoga. Subsequently, participants may engage in group exercises, such as a worksheet activity focusing on hip sequences or collaborative exploration of Tree Pose nuances. Finally, the session culminates with a lecture on Sequencing Concepts.

In teaching, it’s crucial to employ varied styles and mediums to facilitate effective information assimilation. Given the rapid rate at which we forget newly acquired knowledge, it’s imperative to enhance the learning process with creativity, ensuring lasting retention and a memorable experience. Create a yoga teacher training that honors your studio’s style and is of the highest quallity. 

Learn the Course Structure and Modules

There are a total of 6 modules + one bonus modules. The modules cover everything from yoga philosophy to sequencing to the business of yoga. See the module heading below for more information on each section.

  • Who was Patanjali?
  • Explore what is meant by classical yoga and the timeline of Yoga in history
  • What are the origins of Yoga
  • Introduction to the studies of the Yoga Sutras and how they relate to the 8 Limbs of Yoga
  • Trainees will read Desikachar and Iyengar’s texts to gain a deeper understanding of the philosophy and history. As this module can be studied for years to gain true understanding, the text books are an important support to the lead teachers!
  • Who are some of the great master’s of Contemporary Yoga?
  • What are the different types of yoga: Hatha, Raja, Bhakti, Jhana and Karma
  • Western vs Classical Yoga
  • What are the 8 Limbs of Yoga
  • What are the various forms of Hatha Yoga? : Ashtanga, Bikram, Partner, Iyengar, Kundalini, Kripalu, Sivananda, Vinyasa, are discussed yet not an all inclusive list as that list keeps growing each year with the popularity of Yoga in the U.S.!
  • Understanding the Teacher-Students Relationship and what it is to be a Yoga Teacher
  • We will learn and practice meditation
  • There are many forms of meditation: breath, mantra, movement, transcendental, Buddhist forms, prayer, mindfulness, guided imagery, and creative visualization.
  • What is the difference between meditation and relaxation and how it effects the brain/mind.
  • Learn various styles- it’s not just a blank mind!! Thank goodness
  • What are mala beads and mudras used for?
  • Discussion on the importance knowing how to use your breath in effective ways
  • Self Quiz: How do you breathe?
  • What are common breathing patterns?
  • Explore the 10 different exercises of breath control
  • What is the Darth Vader Breath?
  • How do yogis make their stomach move in a wave???!!
  • What are Nadis and how do they relate to breath work?
  • What are bandhas? How are they integrated into a yoga practice? Why are they used?
  • The study of the poses (over 100 poses)
  • What makes up a pose?
  • Adjustments vs. assists
  • Cueing – specific cueing skills are so important
  • Be aware of contraindications of poses
  • Category of poses
  • Alignment is essential to keep poses safe
  • Asana manual includes Independent Worksheet on the break down of poses such as benefits, description, directions, counterpose, contraindications, cautions, etc. The Group
  • Worksheet is to be completed as a class during the Workshop of poses.
  • Sanskrit Posters are included and can be posted up upon completion of pose.
  • Pose exercises to facilitate learning such as “Name the Pose” game and “Talk Thru Poses” exercise.
    • Learn the different kinds of poses that make up a rounded sequence
    • There are many components of a pose…learn what makes up a pose
    • How do I use cues to help direct a pose?
    • What is the objective of my pose?
    • What is the focal point of a pose?
    • How do I create a level 1 versus level 2 class?
    • How do you prepare the class for more challenging poses?
    • Variations and modifications are essential for mixed classes
    • Adjustments — learn how and know when!
    • Includes Worksheets and exercises such as: Focal Point, Level of Pose, Objective of
    • Pose and Category Sort Pose game.
  • Sequencing and Construction of Poses
  • How do I think about the Progression of a Class?
  • What are the 3 Elements of a Pose?
  • Why do creative transitions make a better class?
  • How to develop a class
  • How to create a style that is an expression of you?
  • What, there is a logic to the sequence of a class?
  • How do you build a class to a “peak pose”?
  • Excite your class by creating theme classes
  • Let’s develop opening and closing sequences!
  • You will have a Toolbox of various sequences upon completion of program
  • What qualities make a good yoga teacher?
  • Boundaries in the classroom
  • Discuss Code of Ethics
  • What are your Personal Parameters on Your Teaching?
  • Teacher/Student Relationship
  • Your role as teacher
  • Role play Questions & Answers you may get as a Teacher
  • Private sessions and how to prepare for them
  • Agreement and liability Release for your Students
  • Create a business plan-you are your own business
  • Entire workshop devoted to the Business side of yoga
  • Taxes, expenses, when to ask for help?
  • How can I promote myself?
  • Where and Who do I want to Teach?

The Anatomy Coloring book is a very effective way to expose Trainees to Anatomy. The process of coloring gives them time to look at the layers and origins/insertions of muscles. This anatomy coloring book includes the study of bones, muscles, nerves, etc. It is an effective learning tool!

I also encourage the use of Ray Long’s various books to help support the Lead Teacher in the presentation of poses. Long is an orthopedic surgeon who spent a few years in India studying with Iyengar. He loves yoga and found that many yoga teachers were speaking/cueing/sequencing without a true understanding of anatomy.

Cues that we often learn to use often do not make anatomical sense. Or teacher ask students to do things with their body without giving them effective directions…how does one root through their feet? How does a new yoga practitioner even understand what that means?

Why do teachers cue you to soften your hip flexors when folding forward? We need the hip flexors to help fold us forward. That is their job! Open your hip in triangle…we need to cue them to tighten their top gluteal muscles to help make that happen…otherwise the cueing means nothing. He makes you understand how to use your muscles to help get you into the pose.

Having these books while talking through the Group Pose work during the Workshop, can help Lead Teachers discuss the poses more effectively. True integration of Anatomy and Pose.

As yoga teachers we exemplify to our students health, balance and wellness. This can be a hard role to live up to. We need to be able to enter a studio grounded and calm, no matter what is going on in our personal life. If we are able to maintain a flowing level of balance, this comes more easily. You will have them Trainees fill out the Wellness Wheel and assess what things are or are not in balance in their lives. A discussion will follow on the various aspects of the wheel.

  • A full day with four yoga sessions and lunch
  • 4 Yoga classes centered around the Chakras, building from Root to Crown.
  • Ayurveda
  • What is this form of Medicine?
  • What type am I? Trainees will be asked to fill the questionnaire out before class to determine their predominant Ayurvedic Dosha Type
  • Chakras
  • What are Chakras?
  • How can we use our yoga practice to balance our chakras
  • Through the yoga sequences, the emotional and physical manifestations of imbalances will be explored.

Get a Preview of Our Manuals!

As Studio Owners, yoga teacher training programs are vital for fostering a strong community and generating revenue. 200 hr yoga teacher training curriculum will save you hours of valuable time and help you generate another revenue stream! Don’t miss out! Request a preview of our manuals now to get started.   Click here for our FAQ page. Contact us via phone or email to secure your spot and elevate your studio’s success.

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