Anatomy Module — Supplemental Package

Anatomy for so many, is a challenge to teach. I love anatomy, and I have a background in anatomy. Many teachers, maybe yourself included, find the anatomy module the hardest of the subjects to teach. In addition, Yoga Alliance is asking for more hours in this module of your 200 hr. yoga teacher training. I am sure you have already had to restructure and adjust your program in many ways to adapt to their new requirements. We have made this Anatomy addition easy for you to incorporate.
Your students will sign up with an Anatomy 3D website for the duration of your YTT. They will login and go through the workbook using the information they find on the website. Using 3D videos, your students will gain a 3-dimensional understanding of the body in various postures.
How? This is an online supported component to your curriculum. You will teach your anatomy as you always have. Your students will then do for homework, the relevant poses in the manual. They will go to the website and work on the pose worksheets that correspond to the week’s classroom pose workshop.
Meet YA new requirements with this easy supplement to your program.
This price includes Teacher Manual and 4 Student Manuals. Suggested schedule for in-class discussion and corresponding homework
What’s Included?