300 Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum
Why did I decide to create a 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum? I loved taking my 300 hr Yoga Teacher Training!
To be able to focus on learning more deeply the philosophy, history of yoga was what I was ready for. I was able to go deeper into my meditation practices. We focused more on energetics of the yoga sequence. We looked at anatomy in a more integrated way.
We, as Yoga Teacher Training teachers, know that coming out of a 200 hr YTT is just the launching point. You have to digest, integrate and play with our new learnings. We need time to digest before going deeper. And then, there comes a time when you know you are ready for the next level of studies.
You will have people in your studio that just want to study and go deeper. You also have your teachers that want to go deeper. There are also teachers outside of your studio that would like to further their studies.
With the majority of 300 hr trainings that are retreat style, there are many that cannot take that kind of away time. If you look up 300 hr trainings in your area, there are very few. Be the go to studio for 300 hr yoga teacher trainings.
With the new Yoga Alliance changes, teachers need to be 500 hr E-RYT to teach a 200 or 300 hr YTT.
Do you want to continue developing professionally skilled yoga teachers for your studio?
Do you have time and resources to write a 300-hr yoga teacher training curriculum?
Have you maxed out your income potential by having a full class schedule and existing 200-hr?
Do you have students and teachers asking for more on their yogic journey?
It is time to offer a 300 hr. Yoga Teacher Training!

Adriana (Owner Ashtangasana) and Tanya Rice (Author 300 hr.)
Learn the Course Structure and Modules
This module is going over a recap of the major concepts covered in Ashtangasana’s 200 hour program including: defining yoga, the sutras, the eight limbs of yoga, yoga masters, types of yoga, and styles of yoga. There is also a quick recap of anatomy involving: anatomy movements, the main bones and muscles of yoga.
This module focuses on a recap of the concepts used while teaching and sequencing a yoga class. The topics include: categorization of the poses, levels of poses, focal points of postures, and what the objectives of the poses are classified as. With additional recap on sequencing yoga classes, cues, basics of adjusting and assisting, as well as a quick yoga terms vocabulary list.
This module begins to take a deeper look into the ancient philosophies of yoga, including the Yamas and Niyamas, defining and understanding the Gunas, the Kleshas and the Koshas. Also within this module is a deep focus on Sutra 1.33, Raja yoga, and “The 7 Spiritual Laws” by Deepak Chopra.
This module begins to advance our knowledge of pranayama, first through learning about the diaphragm and types of breathing styles. This module then moves through a comprehensive break down of 18 methods of pranayama, how to teach them and incorporate them into classes. This module concludes with learning about the Nadis, the Vayus and the Bandhas.
This module goes into detail about the benefits of yoga based on the category of the postures, how to identify and incorporate props into yoga class sequences, and classic props for meditation. The module moves into advanced sequencing based on themes, and builds on (3) additional styles of yoga: Restorative, Yin and Pregnant yoga for moms and babies. The module concludes with Advanced assists specific for private classes or seminars.
This module begins to dive deeper into the APK (Anatomy, Physiology, and Kinesiology) of the poses, as they pertain to the Nervous system, the Respiratory System, the Digestive System and the Musculoskeletal System. The module then moves into focusing on the APK of the spine, the pelvis and hips, the legs, the shoulder girdle, the elbow, forearm and wrists.
This module focuses on the importance of Meditation, from the posture and sustaining it to what a person is meditating on, discussing meditation styles, and the effects of meditation on the brain, with a focus on “Buddha’s Brain” by Rick Hanson. The module continues into a study of Mudras and Mantras.
This module breaks down each chakra into its components, physically and mentally as well as defining how the chakra functions while healthy and what it might display if underactive or over working. Each Chakra has a chart of associations included in this module.
This module focuses on the teacher, the role of guru, the location of teaching, whether private or in studio, how to set boundaries in a yoga class. The conclusion of this module is injury management, how to protect yourself and what you can do to help your students who are working through injuries.
This module starts its focus on helping to build a business plan, going through the steps of deciding what all needs to be including, giving a template of ideas on how to create a solid business plan. The module then moves into marketing and how to brand and create a logo for your business.

Get a Peek Here!
Ashtangasana offers an 300 hour advanced yoga teacher training curriculum, that comprises energy and chakra work, anatomy, physiology and kinesiology as well as Ayurveda.
Our 300 hour program will help you take your teaching practice to a new level of yoga instruction incorporating subtle body work, supported by the energetic work of yoga.
Graduation from a 200 hour training is required. The curriculum of the 300 hour program is Yoga Alliance approved and will qualify graduates to register for Yoga Alliance at the RYT-500 level. Sign up for more information