What’s Included
This is a 16-week program, consisting of 2-8hr. days per week. Each studio can structure the 16-week program in a way that suits the studio’s schedule. Yoga Alliance 300 hr. RYS Approved.
Optional: 242 Page 200 hr. Asana Manual. Studios can elect to order Asana Manuals for the training at the cost of $75/manual.
Provided for use during and following asana labs. This book will provide you with space to begin to note anatomy, chakras, and energetics of poses. The journal will serve as a tool for the instructors to note their feelings/observations in postures, aiding in their sharing and instruction of the poses to others.
Teacher Manual
Course Materials List
Course Requirements & Expectations
Pranayama Techniques
Yoga Terms
Agendas for Each Class
Homework Assignments for Each Class
Guided Meditations per Class
Sequencing Scripts per Class
Mantra Writing Exercise
Trataka Eye Gazing Exercise
Content of the lectures come from the Student Manual. Leader should build or supplement the content with their knowledge, background, experience & interest.
Student Manual
Content of lectures
Recap of 200hr. Concepts
The 8 Limbs, Sutras, Yoga Masters, Types of Yoga, Anatomy Movements, Bones & Muscle Review
Teaching of Poses, Categorization, Level, Focal Point, Objective, Sequencing, Cues, and Assisting
Yamas & Niyamas, Gunas, Kleshas, Koshas
Pranayama Techniques
Nadis, Bandhas, Vayus
Props, Advanced Sequencing, Yoga Class Styles, Advances Assists and Adjustments
Anatomy, Physiology and Kinesiology
Meditation, Effects on the Brain, Mantras, Malas, and Mudras
Being a Yoga teacher, Boundaries, Injury Management
Business of Yoga
Marketing Toolkit
Strategies to implement a successful marketing effort to promote your program
Templates as a model for marketing material
Program description info for handouts and promotion
8-week strategy calendar for marketing implementation
Application and Enrollment agreement for trainee sign-ups